» » » Декларация по налогу на доходы физических лиц-нерезидентов Российской Федерации по форме 4-НДФЛ / Костромская область

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Декларация по налогу на доходы физических лиц-нерезидентов Российской Федерации по форме 4-НДФЛ / Костромская область

Костромская область
Информация УМНС РФ по Костромской обл. от 13 февраля 2004 года № НН-10-06/965
Декларация по налогу на доходы физических лиц-нерезидентов Российской Федерации по форме 4-НДФЛ
Управлением Министерства РФ по налогам и сборам по Костромской области
  1. Attachment No 2
    to Order of the MOT of Russia
    of 16.10.2003    No. BG-3-
    Form of TDC
  2. Physical Persons Income Tax DECLARATION (4-NDFL)
  3. For 200 _
    (Please, state the tax year)
    To be submitted not later then
    April 30 of the year after the
    expired tax year
    To the MOT of Russia Inspectorate No.
     at the place of residence/registration
    (please, underline the necessary)
    Information about taxpayer
    TIN _____________________________________
    Surname _________________________________
    Name ____________________________________
    Patronymic ______________________________
    Type of the document, certifying the identity ____________________
    Document                            Series,
    code                  _________     number _______________________
    Date of issue                                                                                                                 |~~|                 [~~i
    of the document ___________________ Date of birth ________________
    (in figures, day,                 (in figures, day,
    month and year)                    month and year)
    ???            ???
    Sex:  Male ? ?     Female ? ?
    ???            ???
    (please, mark the necessary with x)
    Residence address in the country,
    which the Declarant is a resident of
    Residence address or address of the
    place of business in the Russian Federation
    Postal code ________              Code of the region _____________
    District _________________________________________________________
    City _____________________________________________________________
    Settlement (village, township etc.) ______________________________
    Street (avenue, lane etc.) _______________________________________
    House number ________________ Building(estate) number ____________
    Apartment number _____________
    Contact telephone number
    Home: area code ____ Tel.: __________________
    Office: area code _______ Tel.:___________________________________
    To be filled by the taxpayer
    The Declaration     with attached confirming documents
    is submitted        or their copies on _______ sheets
    on ____ sheets
    ???         ???         ???               ???
    personally ? ? through ? ? by post ? ? in electronic ? ?
    ??? agent   ???         ??? form          ???
    (please, mark the necessary with x)
    I Confirm the accuracy Of the data Which I Stated in
    the Declaration ____________________________________
    (in figures: date, month, year)
    (the taxpayer's signature)
    To be filled by the tax authority
    The Declaration is registered
    tabletrtd class="g-nb"
    By No.
    /tdtd class="g-nb"tabletbodytr
    The Declaration            with attached confirming
    is received on ??? sheets  documents or their copies
    ???            ???
    on ??? sheets
    Date of submission     ?                           ?
    (signature of the tax official)
    (in figures: date, month, year)
    tabletrtd class="g-nb"
    The chamber examination was
    carried out on
    /tdtd class="g-nb"tabletbodytr
    ______________________(signature of the tax official)
    (in figures: date, month, year)
  4. Attention! Please, write in capital letters.
  5. Seet 02
    Declaration No. __________________     Form of TDC
    TIN _________________________
    Surname _________________________________________ N. ____ P. _____
    Income of physical persons,  who are  not  tax  residents  of  the
    Russian Federation (Form 4-NDFL)
    1. Income taxable at the rate of 30%
    Type of activity,  which resulted in the received income,  or type
    of organization - source of income.
    If the source of income payment is a physical person,
    please, state his/her surname, name, patronymic __________________
    Code of     Amount of                        Taxable
    income ____ income ____ Roubl _____ Kop ____ income ___ Roubl ____
    Amount of
    Kop. tax withheld ___ Roubl.
    Type of activity,  which resulted in the received income,  or type
    of organization - source of income.
    If the source of income payment is a physical person,
    please, state his/her surname, name, patronymic __________________
    Code of     Amount of                        Taxable
    income ____ income ____ Roubl _____ Kop ____ income ___ Roubl ____
    Amount of
    Kop. tax withheld ___ Roubl.
    Total 1: 1.1 Total amount             1.2 Amount of tax
    of income _____ Roubl ______ Kop. _____ withheld ____ Roubl ______
    2. Income in relation of which special tax rates  are  applied
    according to the international legislation
    2.1 Name of source of income payment _____________________________
    2.1.1 Code of income 2.1.2. Amount of income 2.1.3 Taxable income amount
    Roubl. Kop ______ Roubl _____ Kop.
    2.1.4 Tax  2.1.5 Amount of tax
    rate         withheld
    %            Roubl.
    2.2 Name of source of income payment _____________________________
    2.2.1 Code of income 2.2.2. Amount of income 2.2.3 Taxable income amount
    Roubl. Kop ______ Roubl _____ Kop.
    2.2.4 Tax   2.2.5 Amount of tax
    rate        withheld
    %           Roubl.
    2.3 Name of source of income payment _____________________________
    2.3.1 Code of income 2.3.2. Amount of income 2.3.3 Taxable income amount
    Roubl. Kop ______ Roubl _____ Kop.
    2.3.4 Tax  2.3.5 Amount of tax
    rate        withheld
    %            Roubl.
    3. Amount of tax paid by the taxpayer _________________ Roubl.
    4. Calculation of tax to be additionally paid (refunded)
    4.1 Amount of tax to be paid
    (amount of i.1.1 x 0,3 + tax calculated on income of i.2 in
    accordance with Double taxation treaties. The amount of tax less
    then 50 kopeks is neglected, while 50 kopeks and more are rounded
    off to one rouble.) ______________________________________ Roubl.
    4.2 Amount of tax withheld and paid in advance
    (i.   1.2   +   i.   2.1.5   +   i.   2.2.5   +   2.3.5   +   i.3)
    ___________________________________________________________ Roubl.
    4.3 Amount of tax to be refunded from the budget
    (Deduct i.  4.1 from i.  4.2. If a value of i.4.1 is more or equal
    to  value  i.  4.2,  then   i.   4.3   is   not   to   be   filled
    in) _________________________________ Roubl.
    4.4 Amount of tax to be paid to the budget
    (Deduct i.  4.1 from i.  4.2. If a value of i.4.1 is less or equal
    to  value  i.  4.2.  then   i.   4.4   is   not   to   be   filled
    in) _________________________________ Roubl.
    5. Calculation of advance tax payments <*>
    5.1 Amount of estimated income         __________ Roubl _____ Kop.
    5.2 Amount of advanced tax payment     ____________________ Roubl.

    <*> To be filled in by enterprisers, notaries, and other

    persons, engaged in private practice.
    The documents and                         
    their copies are attached on _____ sheets.
    I confirm the accuracy of data,           
    which I stated                            
    on this sheet page of Declaration.
    (Taxpayer's signature)
  6. In case of lack of space, additional sheets
  7. are used. The fields for ii. 1 and 2 and
  8. ii. 3-5 are filled on the last sheet.
  9. Preparation of Declaration Form 4-NDFL
  10. 4.1. Fist sheet of Declaration
  11. Personal data about the receiver of income are stated on this sheet.
  12. The value "Code of document" is chosen from the Reference list 1 "Types of documents, certifying the identity of the taxpayer" Attachment to Forms No. 1-NDFL and No. 2-NDFL, approved by the Order of the MOT of Russia of 01.11.2000 No. BG-3-08/379.
  13. In the field "Series, number" the requisites of the document, certifying the identity, are stated.
  14. In the field of "Residence address or address of the place of business in the Russian Federation" the full residence address (with postal code) is to be stated on the basis of the document, certifying the identity, or other document, confirming the physical person's residence address.
  15. Value of "Code of the region" is chosen from Reference list 5 "Codes of the regions of the Russian Federation, including city and spacecraft launching site Baikanur" Attachment to Forms No. 1-NDFL and No. 2-NDFL, approved by the Order of the MOT of Russia of 01.11.2000 No. BG-3-08/379 (see above). Beside the field "Residence address or address of the place of business in the Russian Federation" the physical person fill in the field "Residence address in the country, which the Declarant is a resident of.
  16. 4.2 Second sheet of Declaration
  17. In item 1 "Income taxable at the rate of 30%" is to be stated all income, taxable at the rate of 30%, excluding income in relation of which special tax rates are applied according to the Double taxation avoidance treaties (agreements), which are to be stated in item 2 "Income in relation of which special tax rates are applied".
  18. Руководитель Управления
  19. государственный советник налоговой
  20. службы Российской Федерации III ранга

Предыдущая новость - О проведении диспансеризации находящихся в стационарных учреждениях детей-сирот и детей, оставшихся без попечения родителей, в 2008-2010 годах / Костромская область

Следующая новость - Постановление от 04 мая 2001 года № 124 / Костромская область